board meeting
December Board Meeting
December 12, 2023 at 6 p.m.
PCSSD Central Office Board Room / Virtual Broadcast

  1. Call to Order - Stephen Delaney

  2. Roll Call -  Heather Smith 

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Public Comments

  5. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

    1. November 14, 2023

  6. Certified PPC Presentation

  7. Classified PPC Presentation

  8. Reports

    1. Interdistrict Plans for STEMFest and Totality Eclipse - Dr. Justin Luttrell

    2. Using Motivation to Move Data - Dr. Sonya Whitfield

    3. US News and World Report Celebrations - Dr. Sonya Whitfield

    4. Inspiration in Education Q2 - Jesscia Duff

    5. Financial Updates - Jacque Rowlett

    6. Construction Updates - Curtis Johnson

  9. Action Items - Old Business

    1. Sherwood Athletic Facility Lease Counter-Offer

  10. Action Items - New Business

    1. School Safety Grants - Department of Justice / Aransas Safe Schools - William El-Amin

    2. Mills University Studies High School Business Partnership Agreement - Kristin Herring

  11. Comments from the Board

  12. Superintendent's Comments

  13. Consent Agenda

    1. Strategic Data Project (SDP) Fellowship Agreement

    2. Fixed Assets Disposal

    3. November 2023 Accounts Payable Check Register

    4. November 2023 Board Financials

    5. Cycle 3 - September 2023 Bank Reconciliation Reporting

    6. Certified Staff Personnel

    7. Support Staff Personnel

    8. October Communication Report 

  14. Adjournment