ACT Aspire Information

Good afternoon!  Next week, students are scheduled to take the ACTASPIRE, GRADE 10 & REPEAT 9TH GRADERS.  They will take one test a day, during 2nd & 3rd period.   A fully charged Chromebook is needed to take this test.  If your child will need a chromebook for testing, they should check one out, with Ms. Ray, before testing begins.  They will also need a photo ID or state issued ID.

There is not a virtual option for this test; therefore, this test will be administered onsite.  Please note, If your child is a virtual student or a hybrid student who is not scheduled to be onsite on one of our scheduled testing days and remains on campus after testing, they will attend classes in person, 4th-7th.  If he/she is being picked up after testing, they will attend classes virtually, 4th-7th.  ***If you DID NOT schedule a bus pick up/drop off before Spring Break, your child will need to be dropped off/picked up each day of testing.***

ALL VIRTUAL & HYBRID STUDENTS WILL REPORT TO THE 01 CAFETERIA BY 9:30 AM ON TESTING DAYS, unless you are dropping them off before 1st period begins.  If you are dropping your child off before school begins, they will report to their 1st period class and then report to testing 2nd & 3rd period.  Students can locate their schedule on HAC for their teacher's room numbers.

Please click here to review the attachment with your child. Once you open the attachment, there are three tabs at the bottom, that will help answer any questions you may have.   If your child receives testing accommodations, I have directly emailed their schedule to them.  If you have further questions, please contact  Thank you!